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副研究员 李艳杰


李艳杰,女,中国科学院大气物理研究所副研究员。2011年毕业于中国科学院大气物理研究所,获地球流体力学专业博士学位。2018年–2019年在美国国家大气研究中心NCAR从事访问研究工作,2012年–2017年为意大利国际理论物理中心(ICTP) Junior Associate,为《Nature climate change》、 《NPJ: Climate and Atmospheric Science》、 《Climate Dynamics》、 《Atmospheric Environment》、 《Advances in Atmosphere》、 《Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan》、 《International Journal of Climatology》、《科学通报》等期刊的审稿专家。





1. 多圈层相互作用下全球气候遥相关的机理

2. 非均匀基流中大气罗斯贝波的理性认识及其在气候遥相关中的应用



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“越赤道罗斯贝波活动的年际变率及其机制:基于集合波射线方法研究(42175080)”,在研,项目负责人

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“北半球夏季跨半球大气遥相关型时空特征及其机制研究:基于Rossby波越赤道传播理论(41575060)”,结题,项目负责人

3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“辐散大气中行星波传播新理论及其在亚澳季风区的特征分析”,结题,项目负责人

4. 国家自然科学基金委重大研发计划“北极海-冰-气系统对冬季欧亚大陆极端天气、气候事件的影响及机理”,在研,骨干

5. 自然资源部全球变化与海气相互作用国际合作专项“太平洋-印度洋与亚洲季风的相互影响”,结题,骨干



1. Li Yanjie, 2020: Enhanced poleward propagation of barotropic Rossby waves by the free-surface divergent effect,Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere, 16: 92-96, doi: 10.2151/sola.2020-016.

2. Li Yanjie, Jin Feng, Jianping Li, Aixue Hu, 2019: Equatorial windows and barrier for Stationary Rossby waves,Journal of Climate, 32: 6117-6135, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0722.1.

3. Li Yanjie, Jin Feng, Jianping Li, Sen Zhao, 2018: The circle diagram in the group velocity domain for Rossby wave under the horizontally non-uniform flow,Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere, 14:121-125, doi:10.2151/sola.2018-021.

4. Li Yanjie, Jianping Li, Fred Kucharski, Jin Feng, Sen Zhao, and Jiayu Zheng, 2018: Two leading modes of the interannual variability in South Americasurface air temperature during austral winter.Climate Dynamics, 51: 2141-2156,doi: 10.1007/s00382-017-4004-3.

5. Li Yanjie, Jianping Li, Fei-Fei Jin, Sen Zhao. 2015:Interhemispheric propagation of stationary Rossby waves ina horizontally nonuniform background flow.Journal of the AtmosphericSciences. 72, 3233-3256,doi:10.1175/JAS-D-14-0239.1.

6. Ji Yue,Yanjie Li*, Zhiwei Wu. 2019: Boreal summer climatology and standard deviation in global low-frequency streamfunction fields at 200 hPa,J. Trop. Meteorol., 25(2): 153-161.

7. Zhao Sen, Jianping Li*,Yanjie Li*, Fiefei Jin, Jiayu Zheng, 2019:Interhemispheric influence of Indo-Pacific convection oscillation on Southern Hemisphere rainfall through southward propagation of Rossby waves,ClimateDynamics, 52: 3203-3221, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-018-4324-y.

8. Liu Ting, Jianping Li*,Yanjie Li*, Sen Zhao, Fei Zheng, and Jiayu Zheng, 2018: Influence of the May Southern Annular Mode on the South China Sea Summer Monsoon,Climate Dynamics, 51: 4095, doi: 10.1007/s00382-017-3753-3.

9. Zheng Jiayu,Yanjie Li*, Jianping Li, Sen Zhao. 2017:The Relationship between Indo-Pacific Convection Oscillation and Summer Surface Air Temperature in Southern Asia.Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere, 13: 199-204, doi:10.2151/sola.2017-036.

10. Li Yanjie, Jianping Li, Juan Feng, 2013:Boreal summer convection oscillation over the Indo-Western Pacific and its relationship with the East Asian summer monsoon,Atmospheric Science Letters,14, 66-71, doi: 10.1002/asl2.418.

11. 艳杰,李建平.2012:水平非均匀基流中行星波的传播,地球物理学报, 55(2), 361-371.

12. 李艳杰,陆维松,邵海燕,陶丽. 2011:广义非线性亚临界湿对称不稳定.大气科学学报, 31(2), 189-198.

13. Chaim I. Garfinkel, Wen Chen,Yanjie Li, Chen Schwartz, Priyanka Yadav, and Daniela Domeisen, 2022: The winter North Pacific teleconnection in response to ENSO and the MJO in operational subseasonal forecasting models is too weak,Journal of Climate. Early online, 1-39,https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0179.1

14. Feng Jie, Tao Lian, Dake Chen, andYanjie Li, 2021: The cause of the large cold bias in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean,Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094616.,https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL094616.

15. Wang Zhili, Jin Feng, Chenrui Diao,Yanjie Li, Lei Lin, and Yangyang Xu, 2021: Reduction in European anthropogenic aerosols and the weather conditions conducive to PM2.5 pollution in North China: a potential global teleconnection pathway.,Environ. Res. Lett. 16 104054 https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac269d.

16. Li Xinxin, Zhiwei Wu,Yanjie Li. 2019: A link of China warming hiatus with the winter sea ice loss in Barents-Kara Seas.Climate Dynamics, 53: 2625-2642, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-019-04645-z.

17. Sun Ruizao, Anming Duan, Lilan Chen,Yanjie Li, Zhiang Xie and Yu Zhao. 2019: Interannual variability of the North Pacific mixed layer associated with the spring Tibetan Plateau thermal forcing,Journal of Climate, 32: 3109-3130, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0577.1.

18. Wang Qiuyun, Jianping Li,Yanjie Li, Jingwen Zhang, Jiayu Zheng, 2018: Modulation of tropical cyclogenesis location and frequency over the Indo-western North Pacific by the intra-seasonal Indo-western Pacific convection oscillation during the boreal extended summer.Journal of Climate. 31, 1435-1450, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0085.1

19. Koichi Sakaguchi, Jian Lu, L. Ruby Leung, Chun Zhao,Yanjie Li, Samson Hagos, 2016: Sources and Pathways of the Upscale Effects on the Southern Hemisphere Jet in MPAS-CAM4 Variable-Resolution Simulations.Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 8, 1786-1805,doi: 10.1002/2016MS000743.

20. Feng Juan, Chen Wen, andYanjie Li, 2016: Asymmetry of the winter extra-tropical teleconnections in the Northern Hemisphere associated with two types of ENSO,Climate Dynamics,48, 2135-2151,doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3196-2.

21. Zheng Fei, Jianping Li, Yanjie Li, Sen Zhao, andDifei Deng, 2016:Influence of the Summer NAO on the Spring-NAO-based Predictability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon,Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 55, 1459-1476, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-15-0199.1.

22. Wu Zhiwei, Xinxin Li,Yanjie Li, Jianping Li and Yun Li, 2016:Potential Influence of Arctic Sea Ice to the Inter-annual Variations of East Asian Spring Precipitation,J. Climate.29(8): 2797-2813.

23. Zhao Sen, Jianping Li,Yanjie Li. 2015:Dynamics of an interhemispheric teleconnection across the critical latitude through a southerly duct during boreal winter,Journal of Climate, 28, 7437-7456,doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00425.1.






School of Atmospheric Sciences, Chengdu University of Information Technology
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